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These Terms of Service (the “Terms”) represent the entire Agreement between the non-profit organisation The Turkish Healthcare Travel Council (THTC) with its principal office at RECEP PAŞA CD. NO 5/8 ATAKAR IS MERKEZI 34437 TAKSIM, ISTANBUL, TURKEY (hereinafter referred to as “THTC”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) and individual users (hereinafter referred to as “User”, “Client”, “Patient”, “You”, “Your”).

This Agreement governs the use of THTC’s website (the “Website”) and Services rendered by THTC (the “Service”, “Services”).

By using the Website and/or the Services You hereby warrant that You agree with the terms set out in this Agreement and You will apply best efforts in order to comply with these Terms. In the event You disagree with this Agreement in full or any portion of it, please immediately stop using the Website and/or the Services.

THTC reserves the right to, from time-to-time, introduce changes to the terms of the Agreement with or without prior notification to You as a User. It is Your sole responsibility to periodically check for any changes or updates to this Agreement. If You do not agree with the new updated version of the Agreement, please stop using the Website and/or the Service.

NOTE: In order to use the THTC Website and/or the Service You must be of legal age to do so and to be eligible to operate such Website or Service according to the applicable legislation. If you are not of legal age please stop using the Website and/or the Service. We reserve the right to terminate the Agreement between THTC and an individual of under legal age at Our sole discretion and without notice to the individual.


THTC is a platform that provides information about medical services by THTC Member Medical Providers to the User. By using the Website and the Service, You, as a User, are provided with a range of medical service providers, including but not limited to hospitals, clinics, spa and wellness centres (“Members”).

THTC does not assign a Patient with a specific Medical Provider, it simply provides a list consisting of the most suitable Member Medical Providers based on the specific needs of a Patient (usually, up to three Member Medical Providers per case). The list of Member Medical Providers will include: the name, address, expertise, specialisation, etc. of a Medical Provider. We aim to match the Patient as closely as possible to the most appropriate doctor, medical professional or treatment centre, based on their specific needs. We will provide guidance and as much information as the Patient asks for or requires. The matching process might take from 1 to 7 working days, depending on the case complexity. According to the list, a Patient can choose which Medical Provider to make an appointment with.

The information, regarding the Member Medical Providers, that is available on the Website is gathered from the Medical Providers themselves. We do Our best to make sure that such information is accurate and up-to-date. However, THTC cannot guarantee and cannot be held responsible for the accuracy and preciseness of such information. THTC will not be liable for failure to provide accurate information from a Medical Provider, nor shall the Website be regarded as a representation, recommendation or endorsement of the service quality and the specialisation of the Medical Providers.

NOTE: THTC is not a medical service provider, but an intermediary between the User and the Medical Provider. Therefore, any information provided on the Website and/or through the Service including, but not limited to, the information provided by the Medical Providers and any other third parties is not and cannot be viewed as a medical consultation or medical examination. The information provided by THTC cannot be used by a Patient or their family to decide whether to proceed with a suggested treatment option, or to terminate it.

Some medical services displayed on our website may be forbidden in certain jurisdictions (e.g., In Vitro Fertilization, or IVF), please be cautious when choosing your type of treatment, it is your sole responsibility to make sure that you comply with the law of the country you are resident and/or citizen of.


Users / Patients do not pay for THTC Services. All settlements are made directly between Patients and their chosen Member Medical Providers.


In order to receive any kind of services from THTC, the User shall provide current and accurate identification, contact and any other relevant information required to verify User’s identity and eligibility. It is within User’s sole responsibility to maintain the accuracy and completeness of this information. By providing such information User states that the information is true and accurate.


Furthermore, by requesting any services through the Website or its portals, the User provides THTC with the authority to collect, store User’s medical records and/or to transfer them to the designated physician(s) appropriate for the User’s case.

When all of the required documentation is received and documents are complete and accurate, THTC will match the User’s medical information with up to 3 (three) different Medical Providers in THTC’s Member Network. The medical facilities / specialists will be picked according to the specialty under which the User’s diagnosis falls.

The User has a right to provide medical records on behalf of a third-party, but only if User provides prior written confirmation and evidence to the THTC that:

  1. • The third-party is a User ’s family member or nominated representative;
  2. • The User provided a prior consent to the third-party to represent him/her (for example: Power of Attorney, Guardianship, etc.);
  3. • The third-party is not able to send a request via Website or its portals by him/herself.

Furthermore, the User agrees that THTC reserves a right to review at any time the User ’s medical records from before and after Your interaction with the Website and its portals, and any records created as a result of received services.

THTC may request additional medical records including, but not limited to, records related to care the User received after obtaining the Services. Requested records may be reviewed by THTC in order to get a better understanding of the course of treatment for User ’s condition(s) including information related to outcomes and costs, also such reviewing may be used to improve treatments and recommendations.


Other than as expressly set out in these terms or additional terms, the THTC does not make any promises or quality declaration about the services rendered by it and does not provide any guarantees regarding those services.

THTC does not provide medical opinions or perform medical procedures, and as such any issues with the services provided by the hospital, treatment centre, spa, wellness centre, clinic, etc. is between that Provider and the Patient.

By using the website, its portals and services you explicitly confirm that you understand and take responsibility and assume all risks, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the website and our services without limitations.

THTC and its employees, management, partners, and agents do not bear any responsibility for failures of any kind or shutdown of the website resulting in loss of business information, profit or other financial losses due to claims of any kind, losses, petitions, actions or other events occurring due to validity of these Terms of Service, including without limitations the website navigation, use, access to any files or their parts. Also, any rights including even in the event THTC was advised of the theoretical possibility of such damages, irrespective of whether the occurring event and damage were the result of infringement on intellectual or any other property, based on a breach of law, negligence, contract liabilities or other similar cases and situations, or not.

THTC bears no liability for the correctness, completion and up-to-dateness of any information provided by Member Medical Providers and/or any other third-parties on the website.

There may be links to third-party websites on this website. Such links are provided solely for the convenience of the User. THTC shall not bear any liability in case of any damages or losses, direct or indirect, due to a visitation originating from THTC, or to the use of services from third-party websites.


We regularly update technical, content and other information on the Website. However, We make no claim in guaranteeing the completeness, accuracy, and compliance of the information provided at the Website. We are able to add, review or delete information, resources, and services posted on the Website.


At times, Website failures may happen due to an Internet connection, software operation, data transmission, etc., and it is possible that incorrect or incomplete copy of the information contained at the Website pages may occur. Similarly, the Website pages may contain malicious code or programs infected with computer viruses. We are not responsible and bear no liabilities connected to the work of any software, the presence of any computer viruses or other elements with malicious code, the presence of destructive or unsafe files that can be distributed or otherwise affect software and hardware upon the User’s review of the Website, the access to any information on the Website, or the downloading of any files from the Website. THTC does not purposely distribute any kinds of viruses, however we strongly encourage the use of anti-virus software or other protective programs during interaction with the Website.


In no event shall THTC be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder arising out of or caused by, directly or indirectly, forces beyond its control, including, without limitation, strikes, work stoppages, accidents, acts of war or terrorism, civil or military disturbances, nuclear or natural catastrophes or acts of God, and interruptions, loss or malfunctions of utilities, communications or computer (software and hardware) services.


The validity, interpretation, and enforcement of this Terms of Service, matters arising out of or related to performance or breach of this Terms of Service, and related matters shall be governed by the internal laws of the Republic of Turkey. Any legal action or proceeding concerning the validity, interpretation, and enforcement of this Terms of Service, matters arising out of and/or related to performance or breach of this Terms of Service, and related matters, shall be resolved by negotiations. In case it is impossible to reach common solution through negotiations all disputes shall be brought exclusively in Turkish courts located in Turkey. All parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of those courts, waiving any objection to the propriety or convenience of such venues.


Any provision of these Terms of Service that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof, and any such prohibition or unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.


The User may not assign or transfer any of User’s rights or obligations under these Terms of Service without THTC’s prior written consent. THTC may assign or transfer any or all of our rights under these Terms of Service, in whole or in part, without obtaining User’s consent or approval.


THTC’s failure or delay in exercising any right, power or privilege under these Terms shall not operate as a waiver thereof.


Headings of provisions are for convenience only and shall not be used to limit or construe any provisions of these Terms thereof.


Should You have any questions or comments regarding the Terms of Service, You may contact us at


THTC does not advertise medical services or pharmaceuticals and does not place information about Medical Providers on the Website for advertising purposes and, accordingly, does not receive any advertising revenue.

THTC may place on some pages of the site information about various events (for example, conferences, forums, seminars, etc.) on medical topics as an information partner.

THTC can post information about discounts and promotions for medical services offered by Medical Providers, as well as post information about special offers from Medical Providers on a partnership basis.

The company places on the Website information about discounts, promotions and special offers for informational purposes, without conducting a special selection or competition for the placement of such information and does not receive direct income from this. To be clear, the THTC does not advertise or promote any one medical provider over any other medical provider, at any time.


The original, legally binding version of this document is written in English and may be translated into other languages for the courtesy of Our non-English-speaking users. If there are any discrepancies between the English version and a translated version, the English version supersedes the translated version.